2. To develop in the students greater appreciation in studying the different curricular offerings..
3. Create an environment, which is supportive of outstanding teaching and learning and provides a relevant meaningful curriculum for all students.
4. Value the contribution of the community to the life of the school, and to encourage parents to take an active role in their children's education.
5. Provide an inclusive school environment, which emphasises individual's rights and responsibilities.
6. Achieve set outcome targets in the Partnership Agreement through the implementation of collaborative and transparent planning and monitoring processes.
7. Keep class groupings to a maximum size of 25 students
8. To create and develop and young breed of smart, well disciplined, talented and God fearing Filipinos.
Friendly Library Training School Mission
The mission of the Friendly Library Training School faculty is to work cooperatively with parents, students and community members to help students become productive and responsible citizens in the 21st century. Students will be taught to communicate effectively through the mastery of problem solving, critical thinking, life management and communication skills. Students will be taught skills, which will enable them to function effectively in, and contribute to, a technological society and global economy. Students will be provided with opportunities to grow academically, emotionally, socially, physically and culturally, with recognition of individual differences. In a non-threatening and supportive environment, students will be encouraged to achieve goals, objectives, and exit outcomes set forth by the Friendly Library Training School administrators and faculty.
To Fulfill Our Mission
We are commited to a strong and comprehensive educational program and learning environment which enhances self esteem, provides role models, optimizes each child's potential, develops a lifelong love of learning, builds personal responsibility, and accentuates individual respect.
This page was last updated on November 11, 2008 by administrator email: fltslibrary@yahoo.com
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